Brazilian police search former President Bolsonaro's house and arrest a former aide

May 3, 2023


Brazilian Federal Police arrested one of former President Jair Bolsonaro’s closest aides and two others, in connection to the investigation of a gang that allegedly falsified data on Covid-19 vaccination cards. Sixteen search and seizure warrants and six arrest warrants were also served, police said in a statement. The defense of Lieutenant-Colonel Mauro Cid has not yet obtained access to the inquiry. The police also carried out a search and seizure connected to the same investigation at an address linked to where Bolsonaro lives with his wife Michelle Bolsonaro in Braslia, near the Jardim Botânico. Bolsonaro told reporters Wednesday that he was not vaccinated against Covid-19 and there was no tampering with his vaccination card. A statement from Brazilian police said the alleged falsification of vaccination cards, between November 2021 and December 2022, “resulted in the alteration of the truth about a legally relevant fact.” The facts investigated theoretically constitute crimes of infraction of preventive health measure, criminal association, insertion of false data

Federal-police Brazil Brazilian Bolsonaro


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