Russia and the Islamic world share a geopolitical vision, according to Syria's ambassador.

May 19, 2023


Syria and Islamic nations share many common views on global affairs and geopolitical developments, Syrian ambassador to Moscow Bashar Jaafari has told RT. Speaking at the sidelines of Russia’s International Economic Forum in Kazan, Jaafari called for a formal “political declaration” to be signed by Russian and Islamic leaders. He accused Washington of hypocritical policies, saying it supports Syria’s territorial integrity and independence in name only during voting at the UN Security Council, while still occupying parts of its territory. He also praised the “century-long history of relations” between Syria and Russia, ties that go “beyond” the strategic level. Earlier this month, Syria was invited back into the Arab League after a 12-year suspension from the organization, and Damascus also restored diplomatic relations with Riyadh this month.

Russian Jaafari- Moscow Islamic- -syria


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