Study: Britons are missing meals to manage their rising expenses.

March 14, 2023

(RT) βΈ»

The cost-of-living crisis is having a major impact on British households, with 8.1% missing a housing, bill, loan or credit card payment, 15% skipping meals due to rising costs, 27% going without some foods, 9% prioritizing meals for other family members above themselves, and 4% using a food bank. 60% of households have made at least one adjustment to cover essential spending, such as cutting back on essentials, dipping into savings, selling possessions and borrowing. Consumers have also been looking for ways to save on their energy bills, with 72% turning down the heating due to spiraling costs, 39% using less hot water and 19% having fewer cooked meals. However, some households may be able to save money on heating whilst still keeping their house sufficiently warm.

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