On the American drone accident in the Black Sea, Russia

March 14, 2023

(RT) βΈ»

The Russian Defense Ministry has denied claims by the US military that a
Russian interceptor came into contact with an American MQ-9 drone over
the Black Sea, causing it to crash. The US European Command (EUCOM)
accused the Russian jets of "an unsafe and unprofessional intercept" of
the drone, which was operating in international airspace when a pair of
Su-27 jets appeared, sprayed it with fuel, and "struck the propeller" of
the UAV, which caused it to crash into the sea. The Pentagon routinely
uses the phrase "unsafe and unprofessional" to describe incidents in
which Russian interceptors chase off US drones, spy planes or fighters
that come too close to the border. The US has admitted to providing
Ukraine with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information
in the conflict against Russia, while insisting it is not a party to the

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