media: US places nuclear detectors in Ukraine

April 30, 2023


The US government is preparing for a possible nuclear attack in Ukraine by wiring the country with a network of sensors that can detect radiation from either a dirty bomb or a nuclear weapon. The goal is to ensure that if Russia detonates a radioactive weapon on Ukrainian soil, its atomic signature and Moscow’s culpability could be verified. The NNSA unit called the Nuclear Energy Support Team (NEST) is working with Ukraine to install the sensors, train workers, monitor data, and warn of dangerous levels of radiation. Data from the sensors would deny Russia any opportunity to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine without attribution. The US has denied having any intention of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine, but has pledged to use all means to protect Russia.

Russian officials have pointed to hypocrisy on the part of the US and NATO, noting that the US has long had nuclear weapons stationed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Türkiye. US radiation sensors could help prevent Moscow from carrying out a 'false-flag' nuclear attack. The US Energy Department is spending $160 million this year on nuclear precautions in Ukraine and has requested a similar amount of funding for the purpose in 2024.

Nuclear-weapons Russia Us Ukraine


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