Israel asserts that Iran can produce nuclear weapons.

May 4, 2023

(RT) βΈ»

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has claimed that Iran already possesses the means to make as many as five nuclear bombs. He noted that uranium needs to be enriched to at least 90% purity to make a nuclear weapon, and that such a development would have grave consequences for the entire Middle East. In March, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley predicted that Tehran could produce enough nuclear material for a bomb within weeks, but admitted that the Islamic Republic would still need "several months" to make it into a bomb. The US general clarified his earlier remarks by removing the word "fielded." Tehran has denied seeking a nuclear weapon and has argued that its nuclear program remains purely peaceful. Iran has been increasing the level of uranium enrichment beyond the limits set by the 2015 accord it reached with world powers.

Attempts to revive the deal under US President Joe Biden have been unsuccessful. Tensions between Tehran and West Jerusalem have been running high recently, with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warning that any hostile move from Israel would lead to the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv. On Thursday, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Iran of sponsoring attacks on Israel from Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria.

Iran Israel Nuclear-weapons


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