Blinken warns China

February 28, 2023

(RT) βΈ» US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned China of "implications and consequences" should it contribute lethal aid to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine. He is meeting representatives of several former Soviet republics this week, including from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Blinken warned that any Chinese moves to aid Russia would create a "serious problem" for US-China relations, and harm many of China's political relationships across the globe. Beijing has accused Washington of hypocrisy and of fueling the conflict in Ukraine by sending weapons worth billions of dollars to Kiev. CIA Director Bill Burns has said that the Chinese leadership is considering the provision of lethal equipment to Moscow to aid it militarily in its conflict. Last week, China issued a 12-point plan detailing a potential roadmap to peace between Russia and Ukraine.

China Washington Cia- Kiev


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