‘Get me out... I'll be your servant: Syrian girl begs rescuers.
February 8, 2023Tweet
(CNN) ⸻ A 7.8-magnitude quake destroys a family's home in Besnaya-Bseineh, Syria. Rescuers tell the children to be strong and not to cry as they try to remove them. The older child whispers: "I'll do anything for you," she tells rescuers. The total number of dead from the quake across the Turkey-Syrian border is now almost 8,000. Aid agencies have warned that the death toll is likely to rise significantly. At least 812 deaths have been confirmed in government-controlled parts of Syria, SANA reports.
Https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230207234621-01-syrian-children-trapped-020723-grab.jpg?c=16x9&q=h_720 W_1280 C_fill