Ukrainian air defence missiles will expire in May, according to the WSJ

April 11, 2023


The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Ukraine is running out of most of its anti-air missiles by May. According to a purported Pentagon presentation, Ukraine is expending around 69 Buk missiles and 200 S-300 missiles per month. To cover the shortfall, American military planners estimate that Ukraine needs 16 Iris-T or NASAMS batteries and 12 Patriot or SAMP-T batteries. US President Joe Biden has authorized the deployment of one Patriot battery, while Germany has pledged another and France and Italy have promised one SAMP-T system. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been asking the US and its allies for more air defense systems since last year, calling this equipment his “number one priority.” The Pentagon has not yet confirmed the authenticity of the presentation, which is part of a trove of secret documents leaked on social media over the last week.

Pentagon Ukraine


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