American intelligence agency identifies the most promising hypersonic weapon

March 11, 2023


A senior US official has claimed that China is outpacing Russia in terms of developing its hypersonic missile capabilities and may already have the means to strike Washington's forces in the Pacific. Paul Freisthler, chief scientist for science and technology with the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), compared the hypersonic capabilities of Washington's two main competitors. He noted that China has conducted a number of hypersonic tests, including one involving the DF-17 medium-range ballistic missile, which may have been fielded as early as in 2020. Russia has deployed three hypersonic systems – the Kinzhal nuclear-capable air-launched missile, the Avangard strategic range glide vehicle, and the Zircon anti-ship cruise missile. Hypersonic missiles travel at a high speed and boast high maneuverability, making them incredibly difficult to intercept. The US is widely believed to be lagging behind the two as it has yet to field a fully operational weapon of this type.

American-intelligence-agency Hypersonic-weapon Beijing China


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